Friday, April 23, 2010

Univariate Choropleth Map

Univariate Choropleth Map is a chloropleth map where only one set of data is displayed.

This map shows poverty levels in the US.

Bivariate Chloropleth map

A bivariate chloropleth map displays two variables on a single map by combining two different sets of graphic symbols or colors.Two-variable choropleth maps can be used as a useful tool for visualization of geographical relationship. The map above depicts the percentage of population under the age of 18, and also the percentage of the general population.

Unclassed Chloropleth Map

This technique assigns shadings proportional to the data values so that these choropleth maps do not have to classify the data. The map here is of fertility rates in Africa.

Classed chloropleth Map

A Classed Chloropleth Map uses smaller variables than a general chloropleth map to portray data, which is broken down into scale. This map depicts the population densityof New England.

Nominal Area Chloropleth Map

This type of map is simply a chloropleth map that shows nominal data.

Bilateral Graph

A bi-lateral graph is a visualization map. Two related variables are identified as well as their overlaps.